Installation and getting started with Installations.
This module requires that the @react-native-firebase/app
module is already setup and installed. To install the "app"
module, view the Getting Started documentation.
# Install & setup the app module
yarn add @react-native-firebase/app
# Install the installations module
yarn add @react-native-firebase/installations
# If you're developing your app using iOS, run this command
cd ios/ && pod install
What does it do
The Firebase installations service:
- provides a unique identifier for a Firebase installation
- provides an auth token for a Firebase installation
- provides an API to perform GDPR-compliant deletion of a Firebase installation.
Each configured FirebaseApp
has a corresponding single instance of Installations. An instance of the class provides access to the installation info for the FirebaseApp as well as the ability to delete it. A Firebase Installation is unique by FirebaseApp.name
and FirebaseApp.options.googleAppID
Please see the API Reference for detailed usage information on the available APIs